We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to you, and clarify a few points about who we are and what we believe.
...Is not a New Church:
The first church of Christ was established by the Lord through His apostles, in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost following the resurrection and ascension of Christ (Acts 2:47).That church is described in the word of God. We read about the names it wore, the message it preached, the way it worshipped God and the way it was governed. In short, in the New Testament, we are given a pattern for the true church, and all who are following the pattern faithfully are members of the church, children of God, whether they are know by us or not. Churches are, therefore, found throughout the world. However, their existence is not surprising because God’s Word is the seed which produces the church wherever it goes (Luke 8:11). The South Cambridge congregation has been meeting since 1985.
...Is not a Denomination:
The church may be regarded by some as just another denomination, but this is not the case. We are opposed to the spirit of denominationalism, believing it hampers the spread of Christ’s kingdom. It is true to say that we are “non-denominational.” This is the reason why we cannot accept membership in inter-denominational organisations. We believe this is not the way to solve
the problem of disunity in the religious world. The Lord prayed that His people might be one (John 17:20-23) and the religious world can obtain that oneness, if it will accept the Lord’s way. This involves abandoning human traditions and creeds of men, which have only served to divide, and accepting the word of God as the sole authority in Christianity. Churches of Christ plead for unity on this basis (1Peter 4:11; Colossians 3:17; Matthew 15:9; 1Corinthians 1:10).
Your invitation to a FREE Bible Correspondence Course
- Completely undenominational
- Conducted entirely by post
- Based directly on the Bible
For the first lesson email: brian.p.chadwick@btinternet.com
Or write to:
South Cambridge Church of Christ
4 Bead Road, Trumpington Meadows,
Cambridge, CB2 9DY